The state government office that oversees QUEST Integration has restarted their renewals process. Please be on the lookout for a pink envelope in the mail.
Renewals for Maui County members will begin in April 2024. Visit for more information.
Keep us informed of your current address and phone number. Call us at 1-877-973-0712 if you have any questions.

Provider Network


Primary Care Provider (PCP)
As our member, you have a Primary Care Provider (PCP) within our network of providers. You must get your routine or basic care from your PCP. Your PCP will coordinate the rest of the covered services you receive as a member. 
Network Providers
A “network” provider is a provider that participates in our plan. You must use network providers to get your medical care and services, with limited exceptions. The only exceptions are emergencies and urgent care situations. If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers, neither Medicare nor AlohaCare Advantage or AlohaCare Advantage Plus will be responsible for the costs.
