What is Protected Health Information?
When you see your doctor, there is a record of your visit. This record may have details about your treatment, condition, test results, and more. Your doctor sends claims to AlohaCare to pay for the services you receive. The claims may include some information from your records. We call this information about you and the services that you received your protected health information, or PHI.
What is routine use?
Routine use means using your PHI in the following ways:
- For your treatment with your doctor or other health care providers.
- To pay doctors, hospitals and other health care providers for the care you receive.
- To make sure you receive proper health care.
Is AlohaCare authorized to use information not covered in routine use?
Yes, there are some cases where we must share your PHI without your consent for non-routine use. We may use or share your PHI in any of the following situations:
- We may share your PHI with public health or legal agencies that work to prevent or control disease, injury or disability in Hawaii.
- As required by law, we may need to share PHI if we suspect abuse, neglect or domestic violence.
- We may share PHI with agencies that work to help prevent fraud and abuse and for other government activities that watch over health care.
- We may share your PHI with law enforcement officials because of a court order, warrant, subpoena or other law process.
- We may use or share PHI as required by the federal privacy law.
- We may share PHI with the medical examiner or a funeral director so they can do their job.
- We may share PHI with researchers who are approved to do research projects.
- We may share PHI to protect the health of another person or for the public.
- We may share your PHI with federal officials for national security activities.
- We may share PHI to comply with laws on workers’ compensation or other programs.
- During a medical emergency or disaster, we may share PHI to make sure you get the care or services you need.
Unless for one of the reasons listed here, we have to get your written permission to share your PHI. You do not have to agree and authorize additional use of your PHI. If you do agree and later change your mind, you may cancel your authorization.
How do I request restrictions on use or disclosure of PHI?
Call or write us to request restrictions on use of your PHI. There may be reasons why we cannot agree to this request. Even if we agree, we may still share records with a health care provider if needed for your treatment in an emergency.
How do I amend my PHI? Call or write us to change or add to your PHI. In some cases, we may not be able to comply with your request, such as if we did not create the PHI. If we cannot comply with your request, we will explain why in writing.
How do I request an accounting of disclosures of PHI?
Call or write us to ask for and receive a list of people or organizations outside of AlohaCare that we share your PHI with. We share your PHI only for the reasons described above.
How do I access my PHI?
If you would like a copy of your PHI or need to request access to the PHI that AlohaCare has, please call Member Services at 808-973-0712 (O`ahu) or toll-free at 1-877-973-0712
(Neighbor Islands/O`ahu). AlohaCare does not keep copies of your medical records. To get copies of your medical records, please call your provider’s office and request a copy of your medical record.
You may also make your request in writing by sending a letter to:
Attention: Compliance Department
1357 Kapi`olani Blvd, Suite G101
Honolulu, HI 96814
AlohaCare has the right to not provide copies of your PHI in certain cases. To understand your rights, and the rights of AlohaCare, please see Notice of Privacy Practices or look at your AlohaCare QUEST (Medicaid) Member Handbook. You can also request a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices by calling us.
How does AlohaCare protect my PHI?
AlohaCare is committed to protecting your sensitive and confidential information. We have privacy policies and procedures that tell staff about how to keep your health information secure. We provide ongoing training to our staff about confidentiality. We make sure staff only see and use the information that is required for them to do their job. Staff are very careful not to talk about confidential information where others may hear or in inappropriate places. We keep paper documents in a secure locked space when not in use. They are never visible when not in use. We have systems in place to protect electronic information throughout the organization. Our building is secure and visitors are not permitted in without authorization. AlohaCare reviews these protections on an annual basis, and looks for ways of improving protections for your PHI.